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He has made everything beautiful in its time. 
Ecclesiastes  3:11

Image by Alexander Grey

Our collection of colorful marble beaded bracelets is carefully curated to offer the best quality and style. Whether you prefer bold and bright colors, or subtle and understated designs, we have something to suit your taste. We believe that the right accessory can make all the difference in how you feel, which is why we put so much care into each bracelet we create. Discover our unique collection today and find the perfect piece to add a pop of color to your outfit!

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About Our Creator
Cindy Baker 

I used to be the person behind Made Be Youtiful 311, who preferred to stay out of the spotlight but always aimed to shine. I soon realized that shining without being physically seen was a challenge. Struggling with self-acceptance and seeking validation from others, my insecurities went unnoticed as people were captivated by my porcelain skin. They failed to see my inner struggles. All I craved was acknowledgment and acceptance. With time, I embraced self-love and started seeing myself as God does. On the journey to overcome the need for approval, I began to understand that rejection is simply a part of life, just like Jesus faced it. God led me to colors for healing. Exploring the positive meanings of colors, I embraced them and shared their significance with others. To combat my struggle with acceptance, inspired by beads, I started crafting bracelets and giving them away to women I met. This act brought me peace and self-love. Making these bracelets became my solace, allowing me to breathe freely and embrace myself. My bracelets serve as a reminder to speak positivity and acknowledge individual self worth. I am no longer the person behind Made Be Youtiful 311. I am now the confident woman and owner of Made Be Youtiful 311. I stand proudly on my brand and aim to inspire others to do the same. 

You are Made Beyoutiful, 



Cindy Baker

How to Build Self Esteem

Steps to help you become a better you-

1. Let go and let God. Ask the Lord to show you who you are in him. He created you and established your worth before you were ever born. So he is the only one who can help you define and establish your worth.


2. Build your confidence. Practice being assertive. Remove the word can’t from your vocabulary.


3. Speak your mind. If you have an opinion voice it. Who cares what other people think? You're quite happy to listen to others most of the time so why not speak up yourself. There is absolutely nothing to stop you from divulging whats on your mind.


4. Dress better. Boosting your self-esteem starts on the inside, but there is no reason why you can’t start to feel good by wearing nice clothes and making yourself look good. Take pride in your appearance and let others see how good you look.


5. Let go of the past. The past may have had a major impact on your life. But how long are you going to let it affect your life? You don’t have to forget the past completely. Just respect yourself for coping with it and understand that you need to move on. 


6. Use your strength. No matter what you do or what kind of person you are you have strength. Focus on what you like doing and what you like doing most. Nobody is good at everything. But everybody is good at something.


7. Celebrate your accomplishments. Nobody achieves goals at giving up on there the first attempt. No matter how big or small if you get something done celebrate.


8. Stop labeling yourself as a loser. If you try something which doesn’t go your way your not a failure. You might just need to be prepared for next time and make sure there is a next time. Nobody achieves goals by giving up at the first attempt. 


9. Stop putting yourself down. All this negative self-talk is doing nothing to take you closer to your goals and whatever you want to achieve in life. Think of yourself as a great person who deserves the very best in life. Choose to be positive, not negative.


10. Take action. Build your self-esteem by doing as many things as you can. Just go for it. Don’t even think about the end results. People with low self-esteem usually think long and hard before doing something and usually talk themselves out of it. You’ll never know the more you do things, the better you will feel.


11. Trust the process and trust God.  


Self-esteem is a powerful trait that can make you or break you it’s a trait you control. Make a choice refuse to accept anything less than greatness for yourself. As a proud affirmative, confident person with unlimited potential to achieve whatever you set your mind to.


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